Sunday, 4 September 2011

Caring for John

John battled a fever most of the night. His temperature was high and his pain medication was upped twice to make him comfortable.
Nurses all over the world provide such amazing comfort. Perhaps we would receive the same level of care elsewhere, but on Arran in this wee hospital, the service is truly outstanding.
John has moved rooms five times since he was admitted; the sole purpose of these moves was to give him privacy, dignity and peace and quiet. Other patients have been shifted out of wards, giving the family space to visit and John peace and quiet.
The nurses mostly know John and Maureen. They are neighbours, friends or daughters of the same.
The care and attention they provide is extended warmly to all the family. Always available for a chat, tea & toast or a shoulder for comfort - whether it is 06:00, 12:00. 18:00 or 00:00

I stayed with John last night. His snoring through the wall used to drive me potty. Last night, his rhythmic snores and moans lulled me; comforted me.
This morning his fever is down a little, but he is struggling to cough, to clear his chest.

Miriam has to return home later today. It is unimaginably difficult for her to go and equally for her to stay.

Two days running John has had a period of lucidity around 14:00 lasting around ten minutes. Fingers crossed we have that time again today.

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